link_database(); $this->em_check_database(); $this->read_variables(); date_default_timezone_set($this->settings['timezone']); } function read_variables() { //reads all GET and POST variables into the object, addslashing both if (count($_POST)) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $val){ $key=addslashes("r_".$key); if (is_array($val)) { for ($z=0;$z$key=$val; } } if (count($_GET)) { foreach ($_GET as $key => $val){ $key=addslashes("r_".$key); if (is_array($val)) { for ($z=0;$z$key=$val; } } }//end of function read variables function link_database() { $this->databaselink = new mysqli(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PW,DB_DATABASE); $this->databaselink->set_charset('utf8'); if ($this->databaselink->connect_errno) { return "Datenbank nicht erreichbar: (" . $this->databaselink->connect_errno . ") " . $this->databaselink->connect_error; } else{ $this->databasename=DB_DATABASE; $this->databaselink->query("SET SQL_MODE = '';"); return True; } } function store_data($sTable,$aFields,$sKey_ID,$mID) { //updates or inserts data //returns ID or -1 if fails $i=0; $returnID = 0; if(($mID>0) or ($mID!="") or ($mID != null)) { //search for it $aCheckFields=array($sKey_ID=>$mID); $aRow=$this->select_row($sTable,$aCheckFields); $returnID=$aRow[$sKey_ID]; } if(($returnID>0) or ($returnID!="")) { $sQuery="update ".$sTable." set "; foreach($aFields as $key=>$value) { $sQuery.=$key."='".$value."'"; $i++; if($i$value) { $sKeys.=$sKey; $sValues.="'".$value."'"; $i++; if($ilast_query[]=$sQuery; if ($pResult = $this->databaselink->query($sQuery)) { if(($returnID>0) or ($returnID!="")) { return $returnID; } else { return $this->databaselink->insert_id; } } else { return -1; } } function save_user($aUser){ /* args: Array $aUser Array of user information which will be saved. e.g. array( 'forename' => String $forname, 'surname' => String $surname, 'email' => String $email, 'UID' => String $UID, 'language' => String $language, 'admin' => Bool $admin, 'password' => String md5(str_rev($password)), #deprecated, do not use! 'password_hash' => password_hash(String $password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT) ); returns: None Function will save user Information given in $aUser. If user exists it will overwrite existing data but not delete not-specified data */ $aFields = $aUser; if ((isset($this->r_user_ID))and ($this->r_user_ID != "")){ $this->ID=$this->store_data(TABLE_USER, $aFields, 'user_ID' , $this->r_user_ID); } else{ $this->ID=$this->store_data(TABLE_USER, $aFields, NULL , NULL); } } } //end of class session_start(); include ("config/"); $oObject = new Data; $oObject->output = ""; switch ($oObject->r_ac){ case 'save' $aUser = array(); if(isset($oObject->r_user_ID)){ $aUser['user_ID'] = $oObject->r_user_ID; } if(isset($oObject->r_name)){ $aUser['name'] = $oObject->r_forename; } if(isset($oObject->r_email)){ $aUser['email'] = $oObject->r_email; } if(isset($oObject->r_email)){ $aUser['signal'] = $oObject->r_email; } if(isset($oObject->r_email)){ $aUser['sms'] = $oObject->r_email; } if(isset($oObject->r_email)){ $aUser['telegram'] = $oObject->r_email; } if(isset($oObject->r_email)){ $aUser['threema'] = $oObject->r_email; } $oObject->save_user($aUser); $oObject->output += "Erfolgreich gespeichert"; break; default: $oObject->get_view("views/user_form.php"); } function output($oObject){ echo $oObject->get_view("views/head.php"); echo $oObject->get_view("views/body.php"); } output($oObject); } ?>