--- title: "Cactus comments via Matrix" date: 2021-08-25T11:08:55+02:00 draft: false image: "uploads/cactus.svg" tags: [FOSS, Matrix, Self-Hosting, Cactus-Chat] categories: [Projects, English] --- # Integration Following the [quickstart documentation](https://cactus.chat/docs/getting-started/quick-start/) I tried to add cactus comments to this blog. I currently rely on infrastructure by cactus.chat as I do not host a private synapse server. I currently implemented this as a shortcode with hard-coded site title and a variable room name. # Quickstart with HUGO ## Register your site There is a registration system, that ensures that you are moderater in your comment section(s). I order to register your site you have to send a message to @cactusbot:cactus.chat . First try `help` to ensure that the bot answers you, then register your site e.g. `register hyteck`. The bot should inform you of success and add you to a moderation room. ## Embedd comment section via Shortcode HUGO, the static site generator I use, has an option to use *shortcodes* that provide a nice interface to hide some HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The shortcode `chat.html` must be added to `layouts/shortcodes/` and looks like this ```
``` If you want to use this, replace the site name with the one you registered in the previous step. You can then use it as simple as ``` {{}} ``` where `cactus-comments` is the name of the chatroom. You can decide if you want to create a new one for each post (change the name to somthing like the post title) or if you want to use only one (keep the same name). # Community CW: Homophobia, Slur The community in the official chat seemed helpful and nice. Nevertheless I want to mention, that the first time I tried the demo page a user (that does not seem to be associated with the develoipment or involved in the community) insulted me with a homophobic slur. The "reason" behind this were the prounouns I had in my name. I reported the comment and it was removed by a moderator. The moderator made it clear that this behaviour is agains the [Code of Conduct](https://cactus.chat/docs/community/coc/) and that the user is not active in the community. For me this is a very good indication of a functioning community, cheers! # Comments {{< chat cactus-comments>}}