baseURL = "" languageCode = "de" title = "Gebü" theme = "color-your-world" publishDir="../sws/" relativeURLs=true copyright = "Copyright © Danial & Julian-Samuel Gebühr" [params] # Site description description = "Eine sehr statische Seite" # Author author = "Julian-Samuel Gebühr" authorDesc = "Medizininformatiker, Opem Source Entwickler" # Footer text # Each value will become a paragraph # Keep it as an array footerText = [ "Generated with [Hugo]( using the [Color Your World]( theme." ] # Site cover, for Open Graph, Twitter Cards and # It will be used if the current page doesn't have an image cover # File will be picked from the "assets" directory # Comment the lines if you don't want to use it cover = "img/cover.jpg" coverAlt = "A placeholder that doesn't deserve to be described." # Shows a message in the footer about JavaScript being disabled # The default is false hasNoscriptNotice = true # Default path for images in posts # ie.: "content/some-post/img" # Can also be set PER PAGE # It can be used to reduce repetition # There's no default value imgPath = "img" # Default classes for markup image # Modifies the default behavior of images placed via markdown # Can also be set PER PAGE via front matter # Available classes are: border and borderless # There's no default value markupImgClass = "borderless" # This will append a separator (of your choice) along the site title to your # ie.: | ❚ - – — • ⚫ # You can disabled it PER PAGE by using "disableTitleSeparator" at front # matter or disable it entirely by commenting the line below titleSeparator = "|" [languages] [] languageName = 'Deutsch' weight = 1 [] [[]] name = 'Kontakt' pageRef = '/kontakt' weight = 10 [[]] name = 'Impressum' pageRef = '/impressum' weight = 20 [languages.en] languageCode = 'en' languageName = 'English' weight = 2 [] [[]] name = 'Contact' pageRef = '/kontakt' weight = 10 [[]] name = 'Imprint' pageRef = '/impressum' weight = 20