
85 lines
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class Instance:
def __init__(self, instance_dict):
"""If obfuscate, reject_media or reject_reports are not specified default to False"""
self.obfuscate = False
self.reject_media = False
self.reject_reports = False
self.id = None
"""Remote blocks and local blocks are parsed differently"""
except KeyError:
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.name}: {self.severity}"
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.domain == other.domain and self.severity == other.severity and self.reject_media == other.reject_media and self.reject_reports == other.reject_reports and self.obfuscate == other.obfuscate
def status_str(self):
return f"{self.severity}, Reject reports: {self.reject_reports}, Reject media: {self.reject_media}, Obfuscate: {self.obfuscate}"
def parse_remote_block(self, instance_dict):
self.domain = instance_dict["domain"]
self.id = instance_dict["id"]
self.severity = instance_dict["severity"]
self.public_comment = instance_dict["public_comment"]
self.private_comment = instance_dict["private_comment"]
self.remote = True
def parse_local_block(self, instance_dict):
self.name = instance_dict["name"]
self.domain = instance_dict["domain"]
self.severity = instance_dict["severity"]
self.public_comment = instance_dict["public_comment"]
self.private_comment = instance_dict["private_comment"]
self.remote = False
def apply(self, instance, token):
def list_diff(local_blocklist, remote_blocklist):
diffs = []
for local_instance in local_blocklist:
instance_found = False
for idx, remote_instance in enumerate(remote_blocklist):
if local_instance.domain == remote_instance.domain:
instance_found = True
if local_instance == remote_instance:
"""If the local block is different from the remote block, add it to the diff"""
diffs.append({"local": local_instance, "remote": remote_instance})
"""Remove the remote instance from the list so we later have a list of remote instances we don't
have locally"""
del remote_blocklist[idx]
"""If the local instance is not in the remote blocklist, add it to the diff"""
if not instance_found:
diffs.append({"local": local_instance, "remote": None})
for remote_instance in remote_blocklist:
diffs.append({"local": None, "remote": remote_instance})
return diffs
def show_diff(local_blocklist, remote_blocklist):
from rich.table import Table
from rich.console import Console
table = Table(title="Differences", expand=True, show_lines=True)
table.add_column("Domain", style="cyan")
table.add_column("Current remote status", style="magenta")
table.add_column("Local status", style="green")
diffs = Instance.list_diff(local_blocklist, remote_blocklist)
for diff in diffs:
if diff["local"] is None:
table.add_row(diff["remote"].domain, None, diff["remote"].status_str())
elif diff["remote"] is None:
table.add_row(diff["local"].domain, diff["local"].status_str(), None)
table.add_row(diff["local"].domain, diff["local"].status_str(), diff["remote"].status_str())
console = Console()