{ "back-to-home": "Back to home", "app-name": "Cage Calculator", "number-of-rats": "Number of Rats", "full-floors": "Full floors", "width-cm": "Width (cm)", "depth-cm": "Depth (cm)", "height-cm": "Height (cm)", "full-floors-tooltip": "A full floor is each floor with a area greater than XXm², including the bottom of the cage.", "failed-base-area": "The base area of the cage must not be below {{ MINIMUM_BASE_AREA }}m².", "failed-overall-area": "The overall area in the cage is to small.", "failed-fall-height": "The possible fall height between floors must not be above {{ maximum_fall_height }}cm.", "failed-floor-height": "The height between floors must be above {{ minimum_floor_height }}cm.", "failed-num-rats": "Rats must live in a group of at least three rats, pairs or lone rats are not species-appropriate.", "failed-minimum-length-long-side": "The long side of the cage must be at least {{ minimum_length_long_side }}cm long to enable running.", "failed-minimum-length-short-side": "The short side of the cage must be at least {{ minimum_length_short_side }}cm." }