Backup & Restore **************** If you do no heavy modification of the code you should be fine with backing up :file:`/etc/notfellchen/` and the database. Assuming you used a PostgreSQL database the following solution might help you with backups and restores. Backup ++++++ The following code is a modification of `this script <>`_ licensed under the :ref:`postgresql_license`. You will first need to create a backup configuration at :file:`/var/notfellchen/pg_backup.config`. .. code-block:: ############################## ## POSTGRESQL BACKUP CONFIG ## ############################## # Optional system user to run backups as. If the user the script is running as doesn't match this # the script terminates. Leave blank to skip check. BACKUP_USER=notfellchen # Optional hostname to adhere to pg_hba policies. Will default to "localhost" if none specified. HOSTNAME=localhost # Optional username to connect to database as. Will default to "postgres" if none specified. USERNAME=notfellchen # This dir will be created if it doesn't exist. This must be writable by the user the script is # running as. BACKUP_DIR=/var/notfellchen/backups/postgresql # Enter database to backup DATABSE=notfellchen #### SETTINGS FOR ROTATED BACKUPS #### # Which day to take the weekly backup from (1-7 = Monday-Sunday) DAY_OF_WEEK_TO_KEEP=7 # Number of days to keep daily backups DAYS_TO_KEEP=7 # How many weeks to keep weekly backups WEEKS_TO_KEEP=5 ###################################### And then add the script that will do the actual backup at :file:`/var/notfellchen/` .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash ########################### ####### LOAD CONFIG ####### ########################### while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in -c) CONFIG_FILE_PATH="$2" shift 2 ;; *) ${ECHO} "Unknown Option \"$1\"" 1>&2 exit 2 ;; esac done if [ -z $CONFIG_FILE_PATH ] ; then SCRIPTPATH=$(cd ${0%/*} && pwd -P) CONFIG_FILE_PATH="${SCRIPTPATH}/pg_backup.config" fi if [ ! -r ${CONFIG_FILE_PATH} ] ; then echo "Could not load config file from ${CONFIG_FILE_PATH}" 1>&2 exit 1 fi source "${CONFIG_FILE_PATH}" ########################### #### PRE-BACKUP CHECKS #### ########################### # Make sure we're running as the required backup user if [ "$BACKUP_USER" != "" -a "$(id -un)" != "$BACKUP_USER" ] ; then echo "This script must be run as $BACKUP_USER. Exiting." 1>&2 exit 1 fi ########################### ### INITIALISE DEFAULTS ### ########################### if [ ! $HOSTNAME ]; then HOSTNAME="localhost" fi; if [ ! $USERNAME ]; then USERNAME="postgres" fi; ########################### #### START THE BACKUPS #### ########################### function perform_backups() { SUFFIX=$1 FINAL_BACKUP_DIR=$BACKUP_DIR"`date +\%Y-\%m-\%d`$SUFFIX/" echo "Making backup directory in $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR" if ! mkdir -p $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR; then echo "Cannot create backup directory in $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR. Go and fix it!" 1>&2 exit 1; fi; ####################### ### GLOBALS BACKUPS ### ####################### echo -e "\n\nPerforming backup" echo -e "--------------------------------------------\n" echo "Backup" set -o pipefail if ! pg_dump $DATABASE | gzip > $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".sql.gz.in_progress; then echo "[!!ERROR!!] Failed to produce globals backup" 1>&2 else mv $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABASE".sql.gz.in_progress $FINAL_BACKUP_DIR"$DATABSE".sql.gz fi set +o pipefail echo -e "\nAll database backups complete!" } # MONTHLY BACKUPS DAY_OF_MONTH=`date +%d` if [ $DAY_OF_MONTH -eq 1 ]; then # Delete all expired monthly directories find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -name "*-monthly" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' perform_backups "-monthly" exit 0; fi # WEEKLY BACKUPS DAY_OF_WEEK=`date +%u` #1-7 (Monday-Sunday) EXPIRED_DAYS=`expr $((($WEEKS_TO_KEEP * 7) + 1))` if [ $DAY_OF_WEEK = $DAY_OF_WEEK_TO_KEEP ]; then # Delete all expired weekly directories find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -mtime +$EXPIRED_DAYS -name "*-weekly" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' perform_backups "-weekly" exit 0; fi # DAILY BACKUPS # Delete daily backups 7 days old or more find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -mtime +$DAYS_TO_KEEP -name "*-daily" -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' perform_backups "-daily" You should make the script executable test it and automate the execution with :program:`crontab` .. code-block:: bash $ chmod +x $ ./ $ crontab -e # enter the following to backup every day at 3am 0 3 * * * /var/notfellchen/ Restore +++++++ If you for any reason want to restore a backup you can use the following: .. code-block:: bash $ sudo systemctl stop notfellchen $ pg_dump notfellchen > notfellchen_YYYY_MM_DD-hh_mm.psql # Make a backup for later analysis $ dropdb notfellchen $ cd /path/to/backup $ gzip -d notfellchen.sql.gz $ sudo -u postgres createdb -O notfellchen notfellchen $ psql notfellchen < notfellchen.sql $ systemctl restart notfellchen